Yesterday I posted the details of our launch on 24th February 2015 and here are a few other dates which should be of interest to researchers and practitioners in information law and policy in the UK.
- ‘Balancing Business Innovation with Data Protection? Regulating the Digital
Age’ [PDF] the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies First Technology Regulation Workshop takes place at Wolfson College, University of Oxford on 26 January 2015 – more details here. - Call for papers deadline for Winchester Conference on Trust, Risk, Information and the Law 2015 is 30 January 2015 (the conference takes place on 21 April 2015 – booking here)
- Call for papers deadline EXTENDED for Bileta (British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association) annual conference to 10 February 2015 (conference takes place on 8th – 10th April 2015, University of the West of England)
- 11KBW’s Annual Information Law Conference, 19 March 2015
Please contact / @infolawcentre with any other information law and policy events you would like shared on this blog and Twitter.