This event took place at the Information Law and Policy Centre at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on Friday, 17 November 2017.

Date 17 Nov 2017, 09:30 to 17 Nov 2017, 17:30
Venue Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR


The Internet provides children with more freedom to communicate, learn, create, share, and engage with society than ever before. For instance, research by Ofcom in 2016 found that 72% of young teenagers (twelve to fifteen) in the UK have social media accounts which are often used for homework groups. 20% of the same group have made their own digital music and 30% have used the Internet for civic engagement by signing online petitions, or sharing and talking online about the news.

Interacting within this connected digital world, however, also presents a number of challenges to ensuring the adequate protection of a child’s rights to privacy, freedom of expression, and safety, both online and offline. These risks range from children being unable to identify advertisements on search engines to bullying in online chat groups. Children may also be targeted via social media platforms with methods (such as fake online identities or manipulated photos/images) specifically designed to harm them or exploit their particular vulnerabilities and naivety.

At the ILPC’s Annual Conference, regulators, practitioners, civil society, and leading academic experts will address and examine the key legal frameworks and policies being used and developed to safeguard these freedoms and rights. These legislative and policy regimes will include the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the related provisions (such as consent, transparency, and profiling) under the UK Digital Charter, and the Data Protection Bill which will implement the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

The ILPC’s Annual Conference and Lecture will take place on Friday 17th November 2017, followed by an evening reception.

Attendance will be free of charge thanks to the support of the IALS and our sponsors, although registration is required as places are limited.

Key speakers, chairs, and discussants at the Annual Conference will provide a range of national and international legal insights and perspectives from the UK, Israel, Australia, and Europe, and will include:

  • Baroness Beeban Kidron OBE, Film-maker, Member of The Royal Foundation Taskforce on the Prevention of Cyberbullying, and Founder of 5Rights
  • Anna Morgan, Head of Legal, Deputy Data Protection Commissioner of Ireland;
  • Lisa Atkinson, Group Manager on Policy Engagement, Information Commissioner’s Office;
  • Graham Smith, Bird & Bird LLP, Solicitor and leading expert in UK Internet Law;
  • John Carr OBE, Member of the Executive Board of the UK Council on Child Internet Safety;
  • Professor Ian Walden, Head of the Institute of Computer and Communications Law, Queen Mary University of London and former Executive Board member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety;
  • Vladlena Benson, Academic Relations and Research Director at ISACA LC and Professor of Cybersecurity at the University of West London;
  • Rachael Bishop, Deputy Director of Internet Policy and Head of Internet Safety Strategy, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS);
  • Simon Milner, Facebook’s Policy Director for UK, Middle East and Africa

The best papers from the conference’s plenary sessions and panels will be featured in a special issue of Bloomsbury’s Communications Law journal, following a peer-review process. Those giving papers will be invited to submit full draft papers to the journal by 1st November 2017 for consideration by the journal’s editorial team.

About the Information Law and Policy Centre at the IALS:

The Information Law and Policy Centre (ILPC) produces, promotes, and facilitates research about the law and policy of information and data, and the ways in which law both restricts and enables the sharing, and dissemination, of different types of information.

The ILPC is part of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), which was founded in 1947. It was conceived, and is funded, as a national academic institution, attached to the University of London, serving all universities through its national legal research library. Its function is to promote, facilitate, and disseminate the results of advanced study and research in the discipline of law, for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad.

The ILPC’s Annual Conference and Annual Lecture form part of a series of events celebrating the 70th Anniversary of IALS in November.

About Communications Law (Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law):

Communications Law is a well-respected quarterly journal published by Bloomsbury Professional covering the broad spectrum of legal issues arising in the telecoms, IT, and media industries. Each issue brings you a wide range of opinion, discussion, and analysis from the field of communications law. Dr Paul Wragg, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Leeds, is the journal’s Editor in Chief.

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