Event: Joining The Circle: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy
Professor Robin Barnes (Global Institute of Freedom and Awareness) and Peter Coe (Aston University) have organised a panel session at the Inner Temple, London, on Wednesday 23 May 2018. The session is entitled: ‘Joining The Circle: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy’.
It is based on Dave Egger’s book, The Circle, which tells the story of an all-powerful new media company that seeks to totally monopolize its market place and remake the world in its image. Although fictional, the book captures the zeitgeist surrounding ‘Big Tech’ companies exerting ever-increasing influence over our lives by altering our perceptions and expectations of the media (including citizen journalists), free speech and privacy, and how our personal information is used and protected.
The panel consists of seven experts from academia and practice who are currently engaging with these issues, including: Peter Coe, Professor Barnes; Dr Paul Wragg, Rebecca Moosavian (both University of Leeds), Dr Paul Bernal (University of East Anglia), Dr Laura Scaife (BBC) and Jacob Rowbottom (University of Oxford). Professor Ian Cram (University of Leeds) will open the conference. These experts will present and discuss their thoughts on these issues, and their potential implications, both now and in the future.
This event will be of interest to practising and academic lawyers with expertise in Media Law generally (including free speech, privacy and data protection), journalists and other media professionals, and those engaged in research and teaching relating to journalism and the wider media.
The event is free to attend, and includes lunch and refreshments. Registration will begin at 9.00am and the panel will finish at around 4.00pm. Following the close of the panel session there will be an opportunity to network with the panel members and other delegates.
Delegate places are limited. Therefore, places are available on a first come first served basis. If you would like to attend, please email Peter Coe as soon as possible: p.coe@aston.ac.uk.