Aug 2, 2017 | Access to information, Freedom of information, Government policy, Journalism, News media
The Law Commission has invited interested parties to write submissions commenting on the proposals outlined in a consultation report on ‘official data protection’. The consultation period closed for submissions on 3 May, although some organisations have been given an...
Jul 31, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Freedom of information, News media
In this guest post, Professor Sonia Livingstone, (London School of Economics and Political Science), assesses the evidence behind claims in the media that the internet is harming children and young people. Her article is relevant to the Information Law and Policy...
Jul 24, 2017 | Access to information, Fairness
The development of the Internet has facilitated global communications, new online spaces for the exchange of goods and information, new currencies and online marketplaces, and unprecedented access to information. These new possibilities in ‘cyberspace’ have been...
Jul 3, 2017 | Access to information, Data Privacy, Freedom of information, Government policy, ILPC Research and Publications
The Law Commission has invited interested parties to write submissions commenting on the proposals outlined in a consultation report on ‘official data protection’. The consultation period closed for submissions on 3 May, although some organisations have been given an...
Jun 26, 2017 | Access to information, Data Privacy, Freedom of information, Government policy, ILPC Research and Publications, Journalism, News media, Open Justice
Lorna Woods, Lawrence McNamara and Judith Townend – affiliated members of the Information Law and Policy Centre – comment on the Law Commission’s proposals to reform ‘Protection of Official Data’. This blog post accompanies their...
Jun 26, 2017 | Access to information, Data Privacy, Freedom of information, Government policy, ILPC Research and Publications, Journalism
The Law Commission has invited interested parties to write submissions commenting on the proposals outlined in a consultation report on ‘official data protection’. The consultation period closed for submissions on 3 May, although some organisations have been given an...