Oct 25, 2017 | Children, Ethics
In this guest post, Claire Bessant, Northumbria University, Newcastle, looks into the phenomenon of ‘sharenting’. Her article is relevant to the Information Law and Policy Centre’s annual conference coming up in November – Children and Digital Rights:...
Sep 8, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Internet regulation, Social Media
Facebook Watch. Facebook In this guest post, Harry T Dyer, University of East Anglia, looks into the complicated relationship between social media and young people. His article is relevant to the Information Law and Policy Centre’s annual conference coming up in...
Sep 4, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Social Media
In this guest post, Dr Natalia Kucirkova, UCL and Professor Sonia Livingstone, (London School of Economics and Political Science), explore ‘screen time’ as an outdated term and why we need to recognise the power of learning through screen-based...
Aug 30, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Government policy, Internet regulation, Social Media
Beer5020/Shutterstock In this guest post, Vladlena Benson, Kingston University, assesses the need to encourage conscious social media use among the young. Her article is relevant to the Information Law and Policy Centre’s annual conference coming up in November...
Aug 22, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Privacy
This event took place at the Information Law and Policy Centre at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies on Friday, 17 November 2017. ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017 RESOURCES Congratulations to @infolawcentre @IALS_law @NoraNiLoideain on an extremely well-organised,...
Jul 31, 2017 | Children, Ethics, Freedom of information, News media
In this guest post, Professor Sonia Livingstone, (London School of Economics and Political Science), assesses the evidence behind claims in the media that the internet is harming children and young people. Her article is relevant to the Information Law and Policy...