Freedom of Expression and Internet Regulation

Mind the Gap: a blueprint for a new regulatory framework that effectively captures citizen journalists
Date 28 Feb 2019, 17:00 to 18:45 Institute Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Type Seminar Venue Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR Mind the Gap: a blueprint for a new regulatory framework that...

Book Launch and Expert Panel Discussion: Law, Policy and the Internet
Date 13 Dec 2018, 17:30 to 13 Dec 2018, 19:00 Institute Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Type Seminar Venue Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR Description Book Launch and Expert Panel Discussion: Law, Policy and the Internet...

Knowledge isn’t power: knowledge helps you flourish
The following piece is taken from Dr Richard Danbury’s presentation at the ILPC’s Seminar From Archives to Database: Reflections on the History of Laws Governing Access to Information, held on 25th October 2018. I have been asked to revisit the idea and...

From Archive to Database: Reflections on the History of Laws Governing Access to Information
Date 25 Oct 2018, 17:00 to 25 Oct 2018, 19:30 Institute Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Type Seminar Venue Woburn Suite, G22/26, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU Description Expert Panel Discussion From Archive to Database: Reflections on...

Reform charity law to allow funding of public interest journalism
This blog post was written by Dr Judith Townend and originally published on The Conversation. Reactions to Jeremy Corbyn’s alternative MacTaggart lecture were predictably mixed. But amid proposals that attracted both acclaim and opprobrium in equal measure was one...

Carnegie UK Trust: A proposal for harm reduction in Social media – Lorna Woods
This blog post was written by Professor Lorna Woods and originally posted on Inforrm. Concern about the possible harmful effects of social media can now be seen in civil society, politics and the justice system not just in the UK but around the world. The remarkable...

Fixing Copyright Reform: How to Address Online Infringement and Bridge the Value Gap
In the following piece, Christina Angelopoulos (Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Cambridge and Associate Research Fellow at the Information Law & Policy Centre) and João-Pedro Quintais (Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer,...

Richard Danbury: Cliff Richard and Private Investigations
This article was written by Richard Danbury and originally published on UKCLA. There is an old joke, in which a man is driving through the countryside, lost. He stops his car in a small village to ask a local for directions. The local responds by saying: ‘you want to...

“The Internet: To Regulate or Not To Regulate” – ILPC written evidence
The ILPC have submitted a piece of written evidence in response to the recent call for evidence on ‘The Internet: To Regulate or Not to Regulate’ from the House of Lords Select Committee on Communications. The written evidence outlines four key issues of internet...

Event: Joining The Circle: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy
Event: Joining The Circle: capturing the zeitgeist of ‘Big Tech’ companies, social media speech and privacy Professor Robin Barnes (Global Institute of Freedom and Awareness) and Peter Coe (Aston University) have organised a panel session at the Inner Temple,...