Mar 6, 2017 | Access to information, Freedom of expression, Internet regulation, News media
Date 4 Apr 2017, 10:00 to 5 Apr 2017, 18:00 Venue Institute of Advanced Legal Studies 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR Book Online: SAS Events Calendar Description: Convenor: Sue Onslow, ICwS Senior Lecturer and Co-Investigator, The Oral History of the Commonwealth...
Feb 22, 2017 | Fairness, Freedom of expression, Government policy, ILPC Research and Publications, Journalism, News media
The emergence of an everyday digital culture and the increasing use of legal instruments by state actors to collect and access communications data has led to growing concern about the protection of journalistic sources and whistleblowers. With the support of Guardian...
Jul 7, 2016 | Access to information, Ethics, Freedom of information, Journalism, News media, Privacy
Dr Aljosha Karim Schapals, research assistant at the Information Law and Policy Centre, reports from the launch of a new book by Eric Barendt, Emeritus Professor of Media Law at UCL, on anonymous speech in the context of literature, law and politics. On 28 June,...
Mar 21, 2016 | Copyright, Journalism, News media
CIPIL University of Cambridge, hosted at IViR, University of Amsterdam Date: Saturday, 23 April 2016, from 10:00 t0 17:30 (CET) Location: University of Amsterdam, Agnietenkapel , Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 – 231, 1012 EZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands Registration at this...
Feb 17, 2016 | Government policy, Journalism, News media, Privacy
Dr David Goldberg is a member of the Advisory Board of the Information Law and Policy Centre. He has recently authored the following: [1] ”Journalism, drones, and law” in A. Koltay (ed), Comparative Perspectives on the Fundamental Freedom of Expression (Wolters Kluwer...